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USGS Daily Statistics for Arizona

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Welcome to the NWIS-Web for the Arizona Water Science Center

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Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC) - provided by the National Weather Service, AHPS. CBRFC on an interactive map.
Threatened and Endangered USGS Gaging Stations in Arizona

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Pinal County, Arizona
Hydrologic Unit Code 15050100
Latitude  33°06'10", Longitude 110°58'33" NAD27
Drainage area 18,011  square miles
Gage datum 1,745.02 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1910-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 396 584 555 623 424 379 486 878 589 254 115 158
2 312 453 632 607 427 381 485 1,000 589 657 110 164
3 270 427 648 598 421 389 505 896 577 345 107 189
4 272 431 603 584 414 394 500 864 558 274 102 186
5 319 424 587 572 414 397 520 835 509 276 102 264
6 360 372 623 582 412 402 541 819 481 303 100 257
7 347 428 604 614 406 404 534 867 467 279 106 251
8 368 423 584 605 409 409 551 916 494 266 104 245
9 519 367 632 596 408 412 536 866 482 246 101 231
10 297 420 661 573 406 415 511 930 452 259 105 277
11 393 469 755 548 403 420 525 792 489 295 107 278
12 399 544 899 530 404 424 519 743 504 218 121 248
13 327 489 684 520 405 423 540 751 479 209 155 245
14 515 462 714 520 403 424 562 822 446 242 131 251
15 472 534 705 518 398 424 619 849 431 508 114 258
16 490 576 638 516 396 430 654 763 352 329 110 259
17 586 438 649 506 393 434 653 749 330 259 114 265
18 711 410 667 500 383 438 643 695 349 225 118 332
19 1,130 411 658 491 385 441 643 740 382 228 137 600
20 1,600 515 636 489 383 446 649 783 333 241 116 883
21 955 594 615 483 378 450 680 776 328 185 109 734
22 887 560 641 482 376 448 646 800 293 186 118 568
23 708 598 701 474 375 456 727 699 288 170 116 830
24 644 567 695 459 372 456 728 680 321 171 128 770
25 456 577 660 440 371 461 782 666 270 175 177 529
26 448 541 626 432 372 474 905 647 300 152 150 454
27 475 527 620 426 373 470 847 638 299 126 139 428
28 533 516 609 422 376 468 835 627 572 119 146 448
29 703 510 633 422 374 472 839 643 305 126 147 498
30 839   662 419 373 484 966 642 240 167 152 468
31 808   642   374   891 656   138   555