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Groundwater levels for Michigan
NOTE: During winter months, stage and discharge may be significantly affected by backwater from ice, resulting in incorrect discharge data. Consequently, discharge data may not be displayed during periods of ice effect. Click here for more information.
Agency code = | usgs |
site_no list = |
Minimum number of levels = | 1 |
Table of data |
Tab-separated data |
Graph of data |
Reselect period |
Date | Time |
Water-level date-time accuracy |
Parameter code | Water level, feet below land surface |
Water level, feet above specific vertical datum |
Referenced vertical datum |
Status |
Method of measurement |
Measuring agency |
Source of measurement |
Water-level approval status |
1956-03-01 | D | 62610 |   | 979.00 | NGVD29 | 1 | O | USGS | S | A | |
1956-03-01 | D | 62611 |   | 978.69 | NAVD88 | 1 | O | USGS | S | A | |
1956-03-01 | D | 72019 | 11.00 |   |   | 1 | O | USGS | S | A |
Section | Code | Description |
Water-level date-time accuracy | D | Date is accurate to the Day |
Parameter code | 62610 | Groundwater level above NGVD 1929, feet |
Parameter code | 62611 | Groundwater level above NAVD 1988, feet |
Parameter code | 72019 | Depth to water level, feet below land surface |
Referenced vertical datum | NAVD88 | North American Vertical Datum of 1988 |
Referenced vertical datum | NGVD29 | National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 |
Status | 1 | Static |
Method of measurement | O | Observed. |
Measuring agency | USGS | U.S. Geological Survey |
Source of measurement | S | Measured by personnel of reporting agency. |
Water-level approval status | A | Approved for publication -- Processing and review completed. |