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Water-Year Summary for Site 05106000

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NOTE: During winter months, stage and discharge may be significantly affected by backwater from ice, resulting in incorrect discharge data. Consequently, discharge data may not be displayed during periods of ice effect. Click here for more information.

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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 48°59'33", long 95°39'43" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in NE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec.34, T.164 N., R.39 W., Roseau County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 09020314, on left bank 0.5 mi south of international boundary, 3.5 mi south of Sprague, Manitoba, 8 mi upstream from mouth, and 10.5 mi northeast of Roseau, MN.
DRAINAGE AREA - 176 mi². Prior to 1981, 169 mi²; prior to October 1958, 151 mi²; changes due to construction of drainage ditches within basin.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 1055: 1944. WSP 1308: 1931(M). WDR MN-81-1: Drainage area. Maximum instantons and daily Q 2002.
PERIOD OF RECORD - September 1928 to December 1981, October, 1999 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder and concrete control. Datum of gage is 1,038.40 ft above sea level, 1928 datum, (levels by Geodetic Survey of Canada). Prior to Mar. 15, 1929, non-recording gage at same site and datum. Datum of gage is 1040.17 ft. NAVD88. 
REMARKS - Records fair, except those for estimated daily discharges, which are poor.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, <3,720ft³/s, gage-height 15.63 ft, ( Q and GH are top of revised rating extension), June 11, 2002; Maximum gage height, 17.08 ft.; maximum daily-mean discharge, <3720 ft³/s, June 11, 2002(as noted above); minimum discharge, 0.00 ft³/s, Apr. 1, 1930 (many days, several years).