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Water Quality Samples for North Carolina

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! Discrete water samples data are undergoing modernization with this page no longer being updated with the latest data starting March 11, 2024
with a full decommission expected 6 months later. Learn more about the upcoming change and where to find the new samples data in our blog.


Robeson County, North Carolina
Hydrologic Unit Code 03040203
Latitude  34°30'42.0", Longitude  79°12'08.8" NAD83
Drainage area 12.1  square miles
Period of record
Begin Date End Date Samples
2012-06-18 2013-04-22 6
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Count Begin
Parameter Code Complete Name
00010 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Temperature, water, degrees Celsius
00025 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Barometric pressure, millimeters of mercury
00095 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius
00191 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Hydrogen ion, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter
00300 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter
00301 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation
00400 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units
00600 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter
00605 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen
00608 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen
00625 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen
00631 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen
00660 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4
00665 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus
00671 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus
00900 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Hardness, water, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate
00915 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Calcium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter
00925 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Magnesium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter
00930 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sodium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter
00931 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, number
00932 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sodium fraction of cations, water, percent in equivalents of major cations
00935 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter
00940 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Chloride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter
00945 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sulfate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter
63041 1 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 delta oxygen-18/oxygen-16 of nitrate, water, filtered, per mil
71846 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as NH4
71999 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sample purpose, code
82082 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 delta hydrogen-2/hydrogen-1, water, unfiltered, per mil
82085 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 delta oxygen-18/oxygen-16, water, unfiltered, per mil
82398 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sampling method, code
82690 1 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 delta nitrogen-15/nitrogen-14 of nitrate, water, filtered, per mil
84164 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sampler type, code
84171 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sample splitter type, field, code
99111 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Type of quality assurance data associated with sample, code
99156 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Sulfuric acid NWIS lot number, 4.5 N (1:7), 1 mL, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q438FLD
99159 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 Nitric acid NWIS lot number, 7.5-7.7 N, 2 mL, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q436FLD
99206 6 2012-06-18 2013-04-22 NWIS lot number, capsule filter, 0.45 micron
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