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USGS Surface-Water Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Belknap County, New Hampshire
Hydrologic Unit Code 01070002
Latitude  43°26'30", Longitude  71°35'17" NAD27
Drainage area 471  square miles
Gage datum 441.40 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1936-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 878 930 895 1,120 1,130 904 594 456 413 436 507 690
2 878 918 889 1,130 1,120 888 588 460 403 433 518 692
3 876 917 893 1,170 1,120 882 576 460 399 438 541 696
4 884 931 894 1,180 1,110 866 560 462 393 438 555 693
5 893 940 895 1,180 1,100 866 556 468 392 423 550 693
6 892 939 879 1,220 1,060 856 549 455 399 420 547 702
7 887 936 879 1,210 1,040 848 550 454 424 427 554 737
8 886 944 893 1,180 1,000 834 535 461 428 433 561 741
9 887 940 905 1,160 977 793 517 470 427 446 579 731
10 904 930 897 1,150 962 764 499 487 422 455 591 734
11 911 924 890 1,160 947 745 493 496 422 450 586 747
12 911 924 892 1,190 945 737 486 495 425 446 578 752
13 911 917 910 1,200 924 740 497 479 426 444 582 760
14 916 911 938 1,190 941 737 505 474 429 438 592 765
15 924 909 935 1,190 944 745 503 458 438 453 612 765
16 924 918 943 1,210 935 753 498 454 439 453 609 770
17 906 919 954 1,250 941 744 491 452 434 430 608 766
18 899 908 968 1,240 955 720 481 446 430 407 607 791
19 913 898 979 1,220 959 697 473 445 429 397 595 812
20 917 891 992 1,180 953 665 482 438 424 395 595 808
21 921 886 993 1,160 940 653 478 428 450 410 612 821
22 920 887 1,010 1,140 941 632 475 422 457 421 628 843
23 925 887 1,020 1,140 932 609 459 405 443 410 639 836
24 928 870 1,020 1,130 920 599 461 408 431 407 637 830
25 945 876 1,020 1,120 914 595 465 414 433 421 636 833
26 952 892 1,030 1,130 912 597 470 413 438 432 645 847
27 953 891 1,040 1,130 913 600 475 405 434 433 652 862
28 954 893 1,060 1,130 916 588 474 409 434 453 656 861
29 949 981 1,060 1,140 913 588 478 420 439 479 673 872
30 941   1,070 1,130 908 594 483 427 441 501 680 877
31 934   1,080   910   465 421   511   882