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USGS Surface-Water Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Merrimack County, New Hampshire
Hydrologic Unit Code 01070003
Latitude  43°09'07", Longitude  71°51'28" NAD27
Drainage area 368  square miles
Gage datum 469.70 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1939-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 627 596 739 1,730 1,410 623 425 265 189 260 538 681
2 645 573 731 1,850 1,340 672 373 266 209 257 527 653
3 647 567 747 2,030 1,290 643 344 246 211 271 581 635
4 627 642 754 2,180 1,270 591 334 224 193 260 679 620
5 607 663 753 2,200 1,260 529 325 230 179 239 633 654
6 596 649 768 2,210 1,180 520 317 228 164 249 586 707
7 607 606 793 2,140 1,060 554 282 205 166 256 571 760
8 586 602 818 2,060 970 529 253 191 164 268 610 792
9 562 613 816 1,940 950 489 240 190 184 265 634 789
10 590 583 842 1,900 964 453 291 199 195 245 626 807
11 672 599 865 1,950 924 429 352 204 212 239 604 839
12 655 637 855 1,940 910 409 329 209 257 263 588 823
13 702 612 878 1,970 915 404 322 218 320 271 595 811
14 708 584 1,010 1,960 950 396 335 228 291 264 592 771
15 651 552 1,060 1,920 935 392 326 220 283 263 591 775
16 592 544 1,100 1,880 907 415 341 199 265 293 578 738
17 575 557 1,130 1,860 884 429 331 183 257 346 551 669
18 541 569 1,170 1,860 863 395 316 205 239 367 510 662
19 513 572 1,200 1,830 884 364 353 241 243 345 472 677
20 508 571 1,200 1,790 878 366 318 240 252 328 489 632
21 516 577 1,250 1,710 848 387 273 224 248 330 531 623
22 534 615 1,310 1,600 821 369 244 218 232 326 562 740
23 558 697 1,340 1,570 797 356 232 205 215 311 558 763
24 619 713 1,300 1,600 731 380 237 245 210 308 524 718
25 670 750 1,340 1,570 700 480 229 257 218 368 555 637
26 705 796 1,370 1,550 710 506 210 221 238 398 635 667
27 736 800 1,470 1,520 705 470 194 196 266 432 713 699
28 732 786 1,540 1,490 700 412 198 179 286 434 683 700
29 705 798 1,590 1,430 659 417 212 161 262 426 689 692
30 689   1,600 1,400 588 416 285 158 238 483 698 668
31 638   1,660   565   295 170   554   643