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USGS Surface-Water Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Norfolk County, Massachusetts
Hydrologic Unit Code 01090001
Latitude  42°15'22", Longitude  71°15'38" NAD27
Drainage area 183  square miles
Contributing drainage area 183  square miles
Gage datum 88.98 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1937-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 381 436 487 688 465 287 168 133 102 137 214 324
2 380 425 496 699 454 289 168 123 104 136 214 322
3 375 424 513 708 444 292 165 115 100 132 221 322
4 373 421 518 715 437 292 162 108 97 131 222 322
5 376 420 524 721 424 294 158 102 93 127 225 325
6 371 416 532 719 413 300 155 97 89 129 227 330
7 373 422 546 711 401 306 150 93 89 132 227 338
8 369 422 549 696 387 310 144 102 86 131 227 344
9 369 410 559 677 379 304 140 108 85 133 232 351
10 370 401 563 655 378 296 137 116 84 131 233 359
11 369 401 563 630 375 286 134 119 88 129 238 367
12 372 396 565 609 372 279 132 125 93 129 243 378
13 380 395 570 594 370 273 130 127 94 127 251 383
14 378 400 586 580 369 275 130 126 97 132 258 389
15 379 401 605 565 365 268 128 124 102 142 264 394
16 376 410 618 563 362 264 125 121 102 150 267 392
17 371 416 631 561 357 263 123 116 104 158 272 395
18 366 424 648 556 351 259 120 117 106 163 271 404
19 364 428 657 554 349 248 116 126 112 167 270 404
20 364 429 665 546 344 238 113 132 117 173 271 396
21 364 431 666 535 341 227 113 135 123 182 273 397
22 365 432 679 523 332 216 119 137 129 181 275 398
23 370 434 683 519 320 207 124 135 128 184 280 393
24 381 438 686 515 312 199 139 129 127 185 284 390
25 409 452 685 510 307 191 148 124 128 190 295 389
26 438 466 680 506 305 186 155 116 130 194 305 389
27 453 472 676 502 300 182 158 111 129 194 312 394
28 470 482 668 495 298 176 154 110 129 198 315 392
29 471 462 665 486 294 172 148 108 134 201 320 389
30 466   671 473 291 170 145 103 137 207 323 390
31 452   678   286   138 101   210   387