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USGS 16240500 Waiakeakua Str at Honolulu, Oahu, HI

  Stream Site

Latitude 21°19'41.6",   Longitude 157°47'58.6"   NAD83
Honolulu County, Hawaii, Hydrologic Unit 20060000
Drainage area: 1.05 square miles
Datum of gage: 294.50 feet above   LMSL.
Data Type Begin Date End Date Count
 Current / Historical Observations     (availability statement)    1990-10-01  2025-02-17  
 Daily Data
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  1999-05-07  2000-07-31  765 
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1913-06-01  2025-02-16  39100 
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  2011-10-01  2014-09-29  1095 
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  2011-10-01  2014-09-29  1095 
 Daily Statistics 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  1999-05-07  2000-07-31 255 
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1913-06-01  2024-07-25 38894 
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  2011-10-01  2014-09-29 1095 
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  2011-10-01  2014-09-29 1095 
 Monthly Statistics 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  1999-05  2000-07  
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1913-06  2024-07  
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  2011-10  2014-09  
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  2011-10  2014-09  
 Annual Statistics 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  1999  2000  
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1913  2024  
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  2012  2014  
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  2012  2014  
 Peak streamflow 1915-04-16  2023-04-02  104 
 Field measurements 1960-12-30  2024-11-05  298 
 Field/Lab water-quality samples 1970-03-17  2014-09-30  377 
 Water-Year Summary 2006  2023  18 
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Record for this site is maintained by the USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center
Email questions about this site to Pacific Islands Water Science Center Water-Data Inquiries
cwrm Station has been operated in cooperation with the State of Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management.