# # File created on 2024-10-05 15:48:23 EDT # # U.S. Geological Survey # # This file contains selected water-quality data for stations in the National Water # Information System water-quality database. Explanation of codes found in this file are # followed by the retrieved data. # # The data you have secured from the USGS NWISWeb database may include data that have # not received Director's approval and as such are provisional and subject to revision. # The data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States # Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or # unauthorized use. # # To view additional data-quality attributes, output the results using these options: # one result per row, expanded attributes. # # agency_cd - Agency Code # site_no - USGS site number # sample_dt - Begin date # sample_tm - Begin time # sample_end_dt - End date # sample_end_tm - End time # sample_start_time_datum_cd - Time datum # tm_datum_rlbty_cd - Time datum reliability code # coll_ent_cd - Agency Collecting Sample Code # medium_cd - Sample Medium Code # tu_id - Taxonomic unit code # body_part_id - Body part code # parm_cd - Parameter code # remark_cd - Remark code # result_va - Parameter value # val_qual_tx - Result value qualifier code # meth_cd - Method code # dqi_cd - Data-quality indicator code # rpt_lev_va - Reporting level # rpt_lev_cd - Reporting level type # lab_std_va - Lab standard deviation # anl_ent_cd - Analyzing entity code # # The following parameters are included: # 00010 - Temperature, water, degrees Celsius # 00020 - Temperature, air, degrees Celsius # 00028 - Agency analyzing sample, code # 00095 - Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius # 00191 - Hydrogen ion, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter # 00300 - Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter # 00400 - pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units # 00403 - pH, water, unfiltered, laboratory, standard units # 00405 - Carbon dioxide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter # 00452 - Carbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter # 00453 - Bicarbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter # 00602 - Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00607 - Organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # 00608 - Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # 00613 - Nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # 00618 - Nitrate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # 00623 - Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # 00631 - Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # 00660 - Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 # 00666 - Phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus # 00671 - Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus # 00900 - Hardness, water, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # 00915 - Calcium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00925 - Magnesium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00930 - Sodium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00931 - Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, number # 00932 - Sodium fraction of cations, water, percent in equivalents of major cations # 00935 - Potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00940 - Chloride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00945 - Sulfate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00950 - Fluoride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 00955 - Silica, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as SiO2 # 01000 - Arsenic, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01005 - Barium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01020 - Boron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01030 - Chromium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01032 - Chromium(VI), water, filtered, micrograms per liter as Cr # 01046 - Iron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01047 - Iron(II), water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01048 - Iron(II) plus iron(III), water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01056 - Manganese, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01080 - Strontium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01085 - Vanadium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 01130 - Lithium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 07000 - Tritium, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter # 22703 - Uranium (natural), water, filtered, micrograms per liter # 29807 - Carbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, field, milligrams per liter # 30210 - Depth to water level, below land surface datum (LSD), meters # 39036 - Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # 39086 - Alkalinity, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # 50280 - Site visit purpose, code # 70300 - Dissolved solids dried at 180 degrees Celsius, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 70301 - Dissolved solids, water, filtered, sum of constituents, milligrams per liter # 70303 - Dissolved solids, water, filtered, short tons per acre-foot # 71846 - Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as NH4 # 71851 - Nitrate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrate # 71856 - Nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrite # 71865 - Iodide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 71870 - Bromide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # 71999 - Sample purpose, code # 72006 - Sampling condition, code # 72019 - Depth to water level, feet below land surface # 75985 - Tritium 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter # 82081 - delta carbon-13/carbon-12, water, filtered, per mil # 82082 - delta hydrogen-2/hydrogen-1, water, unfiltered, per mil # 82085 - delta oxygen-18/oxygen-16, water, unfiltered, per mil # 82172 - Carbon-14, percent modern # 82398 - Sampling method, code # 84164 - Sampler type, code # 90095 - Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, laboratory, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius # 90410 - Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # 99033 - Inorganic arsenic, water, filtered (0.45 micron filter), micrograms per liter as arsenic # 99034 - Inorganic arsenic(III), water, filtered (0.45 micron filter), micrograms per liter as arsenic # 99111 - Type of quality assurance data associated with sample, code # # Description of sample_start_time_datum_cd: # PST - Pacific Standard Time # PDT - Pacific Daylight Time # # Description of tm_datum_rlbty_cd: # K - Known # T - Transferred # # Description of coll_ent_cd and anl_ent_cd: # USGS-WRD - U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline # USGS-WRD - U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline # USGSCAL2 - USGS-District Water-Quality Lab, San Diego, California # USGSNWQL - USGS-National Water Quality Lab, Denver, CO # USGSSIVA - USGS-NRP, Stable Isotope Lab, Reston, VA # USGSTMCO - USGS-NRP, Trace Metals Research Lab, Boulder, CO # # Description of medium_cd: # SC - Core material # WG - Groundwater # WM - Soil moisture # # Description of tu_id: # https://www.itis.gov/ # # Description of body_part_id: # # Description of remark_cd: # < - Less than # M - Presence verified but not quantified # # Description of val_qual_tx: # # Description of meth_cd: # AA030 - Potassium, wf, direct AAS (NWQL) # ALGOR - Computation by NWIS algorithm # ASM01 - Alkalinity, IPT, Hach, ASM # CL030 - Anions, wf, fluorescein, color # CL033 - Anions, wf,ceric-arsenious color # CL035 - Ammonia, wf, ASF salicylate # CL040 - Nitrite, wf, ASF diazotization # CL045 - NO2+NO3, wf, Cd reduction ASF # CL054 - Ortho-PO4, wf, ASF phosphomolybd # CL061 - Phosphorus, wf,microkjeldahl ASF # CL064 - Silica, wf, ASF molybdate blue # CL202 - Fe(II) & Fe(tot), wf, FerroZine # DCP03 - Boron, wf, DCP-AES # EEGC1 - Tritium, wu, enrich gas counting # EL006 - pH, lab, auto glass electrode # EL009 - pH, fld,glass electrode (NRP&CO) # GF075 - Chromium, wf, GFAAS # GF108 - Chromium(VI), wf, Z-GFAAS (TMCO) # HY004 - Inorg As and As(III), hydrideAAS # HY010 - Arsenic, wf, auto hydride AAS # IC002 - Bromide, wf, IC # IC003 - Fluoride, wf, IC # IC004 - Nitrate, wf, IC # IC005 - Nitrite, wf, IC # IC006 - Phosphate, wf, IC # IC022 - Anions, wf, IC # ISE05 - Anions, wf, ISE # LSC10 - Carbon-14 age,wf,scint(Waterloo) # LUMIN - Diss oxygen, luminescence sensor # MS007 - Deuterium/Protium, wu, MS # MS020 - Oxygen-18/16, wu, by MS # MS039 - C-13/12, wf, per NWQL Memo 96-05 # PLA11 - Metals, wf, ICP-AES (NWQL) # PLM10 - Elements, wf, cICP-MS # PLM43 - Metals, wf, ICP-MS # ROE10 - ROE, wf, 180C, by weight (NWQL) # SC001 - Specific conductance sensor # THM05 - Temperature, air, liq-in-glass # TT040 - Alkalinity, titr. pH 4.5 (NWQL) # TT061 - Alkalinity, IPT, Hach # WHT03 - Specific cond, lab, autom bridge # # Description of dqi_cd: # A - Historical data # R - Reviewed and approved # S - Provisional # # Description of rpt_lev_cd: # DLBLK - Detection limit by Blank Data # DLDQC - Detection limit by DQCALC # LRL - Laboratory reporting level # MDL - Method detection limit # # Data for the following sites are included: # USGS 342813117212901 004N005W01C001S # agency_cd site_no sample_dt sample_tm sample_end_dt sample_end_tm sample_start_time_datum_cd tm_datum_rlbty_cd coll_ent_cd medium_cd tu_id body_part_id parm_cd remark_cd result_va val_qual_tx meth_cd dqi_cd rpt_lev_va rpt_lev_cd lab_std_va anl_ent_cd 5s 15s 10d 5d 10d 5d 3s 1s 8s 3s 11s 11s 5s 1s 12s 5s 5s 1s 12s 6s 11s 8s USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00010 23.0 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00020 4.0 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00028 80020 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00191 M ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00300 0.7 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00400 8.4 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00403 8.3 EL006 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00405 0.8 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00452 1 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00602 < 2.7 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00607 < 0.19 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00608 0.010 CL035 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00613 < 0.010 CL040 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00618 2.50 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00623 < 0.20 CL061 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00631 2.50 CL045 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00660 0.031 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00666 0.03 CL061 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00671 0.01 CL054 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00900 75.9 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00915 22.0 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00925 4.90 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00930 50.0 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00931 2.51 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00932 58 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00935 3.10 AA030 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00940 8.30 IC022 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00945 63.0 IC022 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00950 0.40 ISE05 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 00955 19.0 CL064 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01000 5 HY010 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01005 41.0 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01020 20 DCP03 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01046 < 3.0 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01056 < 1.00 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01080 690 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 01130 8.00 PLA11 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 07000 0.50 EEGC1 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 29807 8.0 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 30210 143 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 39036 110 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 39086 109 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 70300 237 ROE10 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 70301 248 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 70303 0.32 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 71846 0.013 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 71851 11.1 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 71856 < 0.033 ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 71865 0.009 CL033 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 71870 0.06 CL030 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 72019 469.00 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 75985 0.60 EEGC1 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 82081 -12.00 MS039 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 82082 -81.80 MS007 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 82085 -11.20 MS020 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 82172 15.00 LSC10 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 90095 387 WHT03 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-01-06 10:30 PST T USGS-WRD WG 90410 104 TT040 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-12-02 12:08 PST T USGS-WRD WM 00028 1028 A USGS 342813117212901 1994-12-19 12:00 PST T USGS-WRD SC 00028 1028 A USGS 342813117212901 2000-05-12 08:25 PDT T USGS-WRD WG 00010 27.0 A USGS 342813117212901 2000-05-12 08:25 PDT T USGS-WRD WG 00020 22.5 A USGS 342813117212901 2000-05-12 08:25 PDT T USGS-WRD WG 00028 1028 A USGS 342813117212901 2000-05-12 08:25 PDT T USGS-WRD WG 00095 295 A USGS 342813117212901 2000-05-12 08:25 PDT T USGS-WRD WG 00191 M ALGOR A USGS 342813117212901 2000-05-12 08:25 PDT T USGS-WRD WG 00400 8.7 A USGS 342813117212901 2002-06-05 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00028 1028 S USGS 342813117212901 2002-06-05 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01030 M S USGS 342813117212901 2002-06-05 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01032 8 S USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00010 26.5 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00020 28.0 THM05 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00095 424 SC001 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00191 M ALGOR R USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00300 3.1 LUMIN R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00400 8.6 EL009 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00405 0.4 ALGOR R USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00452 2.1 ASM01 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00453 93.7 ASM01 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01000 6.4 PLM10 R 0.05 DLBLK USGSNWQL USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01030 < 0.50 PLM10 R 0.5 DLBLK USGSNWQL USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01046 10.8 PLA11 R 5 DLDQC USGSNWQL USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01056 1.45 PLA11 R 0.2 DLDQC USGSNWQL USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01085 30.0 PLM10 R 0.1 DLBLK USGSNWQL USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 22703 1.65 PLM43 R 0.01 DLBLK USGSNWQL USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 39086 80.5 TT061 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 50280 2001 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 71999 10.00 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 72006 0.10 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 82082 -82.90 MS007 R USGSSIVA USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 82085 -11.49 MS020 R USGSSIVA USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 82398 8040 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 84164 4095 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:50 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 99111 1 R USGS-WRD USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00613 < 0.05 IC005 R 0.05 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00618 1.70 IC004 R 0.05 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00660 0.276 ALGOR R USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00671 0.09 IC006 R 0.05 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00940 6.30 IC022 R 1 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00945 95.0 IC022 R 2 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 00950 0.39 IC003 R 0.05 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 71856 < 0.164 ALGOR R USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 14:53 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 71870 < 0.05 IC002 R 0.05 LRL USGSCAL2 USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 15:00 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01030 0.3 GF075 R 0.06 MDL USGSTMCO USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 15:00 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01032 0.3 GF108 R 0.06 MDL USGSTMCO USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 15:00 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01047 6 CL202 R 2 MDL USGSTMCO USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 15:00 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 01048 6 CL202 R 2 MDL USGSTMCO USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 15:00 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 99033 5.5 HY004 R 0.5 MDL USGSTMCO USGS 342813117212901 2016-09-20 15:00 PDT K USGS-WRD WG 99034 < 1 HY004 R 1 MDL USGSTMCO