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Water Quality Samples for the Nation
Sample Datetime |
Time datum |
Time datum reliability code |
Sample Medium Code |
Agency Collecting Sample, Code |
Temper- ature, water, deg C (00010) |
Temper- ature, air, deg C (00020) |
Agency ana- lyzing sample, code (00028) |
Color, water, fltrd, Pt-Co units (00080) |
Specif- ic conduc- tance, wat unf uS/cm @ 25 degC (00095) |
Hydro- gen ion, water, unfltrd calcd, mg/L (00191) |
pH, water, unfltrd field, std units (00400) |
pH, water, unfltrd lab, std units (00403) |
Carbon dioxide water, unfltrd mg/L (00405) |
ANC, wat unf fixed end pt, field, mg/L as CaCO3 (00410) |
Ammonia water, fltrd, mg/L as N (00608) |
Nitrate + nitrite water, fltrd, mg/L as N (00631) |
Phos- phorus, water, unfltrd mg/L as P (00665) |
Organic carbon, water, unfltrd mg/L (00680) |
Hard- ness, water, mg/L as CaCO3 (00900) |
Calcium water, fltrd, mg/L (00915) |
Magnes- ium, water, fltrd, mg/L (00925) |
Sodium, water, fltrd, mg/L (00930) |
Sodium adsorp- tion ratio (00931) |
Sodium frac- tion of cations percent (00932) |
Potas- sium, water, fltrd, mg/L (00935) |
Chlor- ide, water, fltrd, mg/L (00940) |
Sulfate water, fltrd, mg/L (00945) |
Fluor- ide, water, fltrd, mg/L (00950) |
Silica, water, fltrd, mg/L as SiO2 (00955) |
Boron, water, fltrd, ug/L (01020) |
Iron, water, unfltrd recover -able, ug/L (01045) |
Iron, water, fltrd, ug/L (01046) |
Manga- nese, water, unfltrd recover -able, ug/L (01055) |
Manga- nese, water, fltrd, ug/L (01056) |
Zinc, water, fltrd, ug/L (01090) |
Alum- inum, water, fltrd, ug/L (01106) |
Dis- solved solids dried @ 180degC wat flt mg/L (70300) |
Dis- solved solids, sum of consti- tuents, mg/L (70301) |
Dis- solved solids, water, tons/ acre-ft (70303) |
Density water unfltrd 20 degC g/mL (71820) |
Ammonia water, fltrd, mg/L (71846) |
Depth to top sample intrval feet below LSD (72015) |
Depth to bot sample intrval feet below LSD (72016) |
Specif. conduc- tance, wat unf lab, uS/cm @ 25 degC (90095) |
ANC, wat unf fixed end pt, lab, mg/L as CaCO3 (90410) |
1986-04-01 17:00 |
T |
WG |
15.7 | 33.0 | 80020 | 5 | 434 | 0.00001 | 7.9 | 7.7 | 5.4 | 220 | 0.070 | < 0.100 | 0.07 | < 0.1 | 180 | 67.0 | 3.10 | 10.0 | 0.32 | 11 | 1.70 | 4.2 | 0.3 | < 0.10 | 22.0 | 40 | 4900 | 42.0 | 120 | 72.0 | 440 | < 10 | 205 | 241 | 0.28 | 1.0 | 0.090 | 47.00 | 57.00 | 397 | 205 |
Water Quality Remark Code | Description |
< | Less than |