# # File created on 2024-07-04 10:19:22 EDT # # U.S. Geological Survey # # This file contains selected water-quality data for stations in the National Water Information # System water-quality database. Explanation of codes found in this file are followed by # the retrieved data. # # The data you have secured from the USGS NWISWeb database may include data that have # not received Director's approval and as such are provisional and subject to revision. # The data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the United States # Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or # unauthorized use. # # To view additional data-quality attributes, output the results using these options: # one result per row, expanded attributes. # # agency_cd - Agency Code # site_no - Station number # sample_dt - Begin date # sample_tm - Begin time # sample_end_dt - End date # sample_end_tm - End time # sample_start_time_datum_cd - Time datum # tm_datum_rlbty_cd - Time datum reliability code # coll_ent_cd - Agency Collecting Sample Code # medium_cd - Medium code # tu_id - Taxonomic unit code # body_part_id - Body part code # P00010 - Temperature, water, degrees Celsius # P00020 - Temperature, air, degrees Celsius # P00025 - Barometric pressure, millimeters of mercury # P00028 - Agency analyzing sample, code # P00058 - Flow rate of well, gallons per minute # P00059 - Flow rate, instantaneous, gallons per minute # P00095 - Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius # P00191 - Hydrogen ion, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter # P00300 - Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter # P00301 - Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation # P00400 - pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units # P00403 - pH, water, unfiltered, laboratory, standard units # P00405 - Carbon dioxide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter # P00419 - Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P00450 - Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter # P00452 - Carbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter # P00453 - Bicarbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter # P00600 - Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter # P00605 - Organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00607 - Organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00608 - Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00613 - Nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00618 - Nitrate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00625 - Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00631 - Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen # P00653 - Phosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 # P00660 - Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 # P00665 - Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus # P00666 - Phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus # P00671 - Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus # P00681 - Organic carbon, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00900 - Hardness, water, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P00904 - Noncarbonate hardness, water, filtered, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P00905 - Noncarbonate hardness, water, filtered, lab, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P00915 - Calcium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00925 - Magnesium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00930 - Sodium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00931 - Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, number # P00932 - Sodium fraction of cations, water, percent in equivalents of major cations # P00935 - Potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00940 - Chloride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00945 - Sulfate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00950 - Fluoride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P00955 - Silica, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as SiO2 # P01000 - Arsenic, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01005 - Barium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01010 - Beryllium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01015 - Bismuth, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01020 - Boron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01025 - Cadmium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01030 - Chromium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01035 - Cobalt, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01040 - Copper, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01046 - Iron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01049 - Lead, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01056 - Manganese, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01057 - Thallium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01060 - Molybdenum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01065 - Nickel, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01072 - Phosphorus, water, filtered, micrograms per liter as phosphorus # P01075 - Silver, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01080 - Strontium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01085 - Vanadium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01090 - Zinc, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01095 - Antimony, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01100 - Tin, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01106 - Aluminum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01110 - Cerium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01115 - Cesium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01120 - Gallium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01130 - Lithium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01135 - Rubidium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01140 - Silicon, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01145 - Selenium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01150 - Titanium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01155 - Tungsten, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01160 - Zirconium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01180 - Lanthanum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01187 - Scandium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01194 - Ytterbium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P01201 - Yttrium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P03515 - Gross beta radioactivity, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter # P04126 - Alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter # P07000 - Tritium, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter # P09503 - Radium-226, water, filtered, picocuries per liter # P09511 - Radium-226, water, filtered, radon method, picocuries per liter # P22603 - Uranium-238, water, filtered, picocuries per liter # P22610 - Uranium-234, water, filtered, picocuries per liter # P22620 - Uranium-235, water, filtered, picocuries per liter # P22703 - Uranium (natural), water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P28013 - Uranium-234/uranium-238, water, filtered, ratio # P39086 - Alkalinity, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P39087 - Alkalinity, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P49932 - delta sulfur-34/sulfur-32 of sulfate, water, filtered, per mil # P49933 - Carbon-14, water, filtered, percent modern # P49934 - Carbon-14 counting error, water, filtered, percent modern # P50280 - Site visit purpose, code # P50281 - Trichlorofluoromethane, for age dating, water, unfiltered, recoverable, picograms per kilogram # P50282 - Dichlorodifluoromethane, for age dating, water, unfiltered, recoverable, picograms per kilogram # P50283 - 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane, for age dating, water, unfiltered, recoverable, picograms per kilogram # P50287 - Mercury, water, filtered, nanograms per liter # P50573 - Erbium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50574 - Europium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50575 - Gadolinium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50577 - Holmium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50579 - Neodymium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50582 - Praseodymium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50583 - Rhenium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50585 - Tellurium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50586 - Terbium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50587 - Thulium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P50932 - Sulfur, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P61038 - Helium, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P61040 - Helium-3/helium-4, water, unfiltered, ratio # P61046 - Neon, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P62636 - Gross alpha radioactivity, 72 hour count, water, filtered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter # P62639 - Gross alpha radioactivity, 30 day count, water, filtered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter # P62642 - Gross beta radioactivity, 72 hour count, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter # P62645 - Gross beta radioactivity, 30 day count, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter # P62844 - Lutetium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P62854 - Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, filtered, analytically determined, milligrams per liter # P63149 - Sulfur hexafluoride, water, unfiltered, recoverable, femtograms per kilogram # P63767 - Biomass, periphyton, dry weight, depositional-targeted habitat (DTH), grams per square meter # P63790 - Perchlorate, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P70301 - Dissolved solids, water, filtered, sum of constituents, milligrams per liter # P70303 - Dissolved solids, water, filtered, short tons per acre-foot # P71834 - Hydroxide, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter # P71846 - Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as NH4 # P71851 - Nitrate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrate # P71856 - Nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrite # P71870 - Bromide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter # P71875 - Hydrogen sulfide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter # P71999 - Sample purpose, code # P72004 - Pump or flow period prior to sampling, minutes # P72005 - Sample source, code # P72006 - Sampling condition, code # P72008 - Depth of well, feet below land surface datum # P72015 - Depth to top of sampling interval, below land surface datum (LSD), feet # P72016 - Depth to bottom of sampling interval, below land surface datum (LSD), feet # P75978 - Strontium-87/strontium-86, water, filtered, ratio # P75985 - Tritium 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter # P81366 - Radium-228, water, filtered, picocuries per liter # P82081 - delta carbon-13/carbon-12, water, filtered, per mil # P82082 - delta hydrogen-2/hydrogen-1, water, unfiltered, per mil # P82085 - delta oxygen-18/oxygen-16, water, unfiltered, per mil # P82323 - Samarium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P82331 - Dysprosium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P82365 - Thorium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P82398 - Sampling method, code # P82727 - delta oxygen-18/oxygen-16 of sulfate, water, filtered, per mil # P84164 - Sampler type, code # P85561 - Helium-4, water, dissolved, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85563 - Argon, water, dissolved, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85567 - Xenon, water, dissolved, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85570 - Dinitrogen, water, dissolved, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85571 - Carbon dioxide, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85572 - Methane, water, dissolved, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85573 - Dissolved oxygen, water, dissolved, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85600 - Neon-20, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85602 - Neon-22, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85604 - Argon-36, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85606 - Argon-40, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85620 - Xenon-124, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85622 - Xenon-128, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85624 - Xenon-129, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85626 - Xenon-130, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85628 - Xenon-131, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85630 - Xenon-132, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85632 - Xenon-134, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P85634 - Xenon-136, water, unfiltered, cubic centimeters per gram at standard temperature and pressure # P90095 - Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, laboratory, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius # P90410 - Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate # P91000 - Bromide, water, filtered, micrograms per liter # P99111 - Type of quality assurance data associated with sample, code # P99159 - Nitric acid NWIS lot number, 7.5-7.7 N, 2 mL, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q436FLD # P99162 - Conductance standard NWIS lot number, 250 uS/cm KCl, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q44FLD # P99163 - Conductance standard NWIS lot number, 500 uS/cm KCl, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q45FLD # P99164 - Conductance standard NWIS lot number, 750 uS/cm KCl, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q46FLD # P99165 - Conductance standard NWIS lot number, 1000 uS/cm KCl, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q47FLD # P99171 - pH 10 Buffer solution, NWIS lot number, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock numbers Q122FLD, Q123FLD # P99172 - pH 4 Buffer solution, NWIS lot number, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock numbers Q124FLD, Q125FLD # P99173 - pH 7 Buffer solution, NWIS lot number, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock numbers Q126FLD, Q127FLD # P99174 - Sulfuric acid titrant NWIS lot number, 0.16 N, cartridge, National Field Supply Service (NFSS) stock number Q142FLD # P99206 - NWIS lot number, capsule filter, 0.45 micron # # Description of sample_start_time_datum_cd: # MST - Mountain Standard Time # # Description of tm_datum_rlbty_cd: # K - Known # # Description of coll_ent_cd: # USGS-WRD - U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources Discipline # # Description of medium_cd: # WG - Groundwater # # Description of tu_id: # https://www.itis.gov/ # # Description of body_part_id: # # Description of remark_cd: # < - Less than # E - Estimated # M - Presence verified but not quantified # R - Radchem non-detect, below ssLc # U - Analyzed for but not detected # # Data for the following sites are included: # USGS 355308112054101 A-29-03 20BCD1[PINYON PLAIN MINE REGIONAL GW WELL] # # WARNING: Some spreadsheet programs do not allow more than 256 columns. This retrieval # may not be imported into those programs without manually editing this file. # agency_cd site_no sample_dt sample_tm sample_end_dt sample_end_tm sample_start_time_datum_cd tm_datum_rlbty_cd coll_ent_cd medium_cd tu_id body_part_id p00010 p00020 p00025 p00028 p00058 p00059 p00095 p00191 p00300 p00301 p00400 p00403 p00405 p00419 p00450 p00452 p00453 p00600 p00605 p00607 p00608 p00613 p00618 p00625 p00631 p00653 p00660 p00665 p00666 p00671 p00681 p00900 p00904 p00905 p00915 p00925 p00930 p00931 p00932 p00935 p00940 p00945 p00950 p00955 p01000 p01005 p01010 p01015 p01020 p01025 p01030 p01035 p01040 p01046 p01049 p01056 p01057 p01060 p01065 p01072 p01075 p01080 p01085 p01090 p01095 p01100 p01106 p01110 p01115 p01120 p01130 p01135 p01140 p01145 p01150 p01155 p01160 p01180 p01187 p01194 p01201 p03515 p04126 p07000 p09503 p09511 p22603 p22610 p22620 p22703 p28013 p39086 p39087 p49932 p49933 p49934 p50280 p50281 p50282 p50283 p50287 p50573 p50574 p50575 p50577 p50579 p50582 p50583 p50585 p50586 p50587 p50932 p61038 p61040 p61046 p62636 p62639 p62642 p62645 p62844 p62854 p63149 p63767 p63790 p70301 p70303 p71834 p71846 p71851 p71856 p71870 p71875 p71999 p72004 p72005 p72006 p72008 p72015 p72016 p75978 p75985 p81366 p82081 p82082 p82085 p82323 p82331 p82365 p82398 p82727 p84164 p85561 p85563 p85567 p85570 p85571 p85572 p85573 p85600 p85602 p85604 p85606 p85620 p85622 p85624 p85626 p85628 p85630 p85632 p85634 p90095 p90410 p91000 p99111 p99159 p99162 p99163 p99164 p99165 p99171 p99172 p99173 p99174 p99206 5s 15s 10d 5d 10d 5d 3s 1s 8s 3s 11s 11s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s 12s USGS 355308112054101 2003-05-20 12:30 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.4 786 80020 34.0 438 0.00005 4.5 54 7.3 21 208 253 0.012 < 0.0010 0.12 < 0.01 0.93 221 5 42.0 28.0 5.00 0.15 5 2.20 6.50 18.0 0.30 9.5 0.20 90.0 < 0.007 < 0.0004 40 0.006 < 0.2 0.013 4.00 2.2 0.190 11.00 0.012 1.0 9.2 < 10 282 < 0.09 23.0 0.0210 0.37 0.00050 1.500 7.3 8.70 4.40 0.010 0.0013 < 0.07 < 0.00040 0.0035 0.4 0.16 4.51 9.2 0.21 13.00 215 15.49 0.210 < 0.0020 < 0.0004 0.0012 0.0002 < 0.00010 0.0007 < 0.00010 0.0130 < 0.005 < 0.00010 < 0.00010 8.5 3.3 3.9 8.2 0.00000 237 0.32 0.015 < 0.003 3086.0 1.0 0.45 -7.47 -89.50 -12.20 < 0.0005 < 0.0003 0.0003 22.0 USGS 355308112054101 2009-09-18 12:45 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.7 770 437 0.00007 3.9 48 7.1 7.4 30 260 < 0.23 < 0.10 < 0.02 < 0.002 0.125 < 0.10 0.12 E 0.018 < 0.04 < 0.04 E 0.006 177 32.9 22.9 4.23 0.14 5 1.74 6.45 19.6 0.33 9.5 0.16 78.2 < 0.020 36 < 0.020 0.23 1.66 2.5 E 2.3 0.237 58.4 E 0.023 0.914 7.8 < 0.008 214 < 0.16 24.4 0.052 E 2.4 6.06 4.2 0.022 12.1 214 16.69 0.130 13 12.4 3.0 6.3 E 226 E 0.31 < 0.026 0.553 < 0.007 0.70971 -6.70 451 218 USGS 355308112054101 2009-09-18 12:55 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.7 -8.69 -89.16 -12.08 USGS 355308112054101 2009-09-18 12:56 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.7 0.15 231 42.6 30.2 5.73 0.16 5 2.20 6.5 18.6 0.29 9.60 0.4 89.0 40 < 0.05 M M M < 20 M 70 1 M 280 1.4 20 < 0.1 < 1 M 8 4500 5 1.300 15.3 2.026 265 276 0.38 0.670 0.1 0.0 USGS 355308112054101 2009-09-18 12:57 MST K USGS-WRD WG 231 43.0 30.0 6.20 0.18 5 2.30 9.40 0.26 96.0 < 0.02000 < 0.0070 37.0 0.009 < 0.20 0.30000 2.60 < 10 0.260 71.0 0.0250 1.10 8.30 < 7 272 < 0.3 25 0.013 < 0.01000 0.20 0.0004 1.40 0.0060 8.0 8.40 4.8 < 0.10 0.018 0.04 0.0012 < 1 < 0.0004 0.00340 15.0 < 0.0005 < 0.0003 0.0007 < 0.00030 < 0.0009 < 0.00010 0.01500 0.010 < 0.00020 < 0.00010 7.6 < 0.00020 0.0018 < 0.0007 < 0.0030 30 USGS 355308112054101 2013-06-26 14:15 MST K USGS-WRD WG 25.7 27.6 771 452 0.00002 6.8 82 7.7 8.1 8.1 0.9 255 < 0.23 < 0.07 < 0.01 < 0.001 0.159 < 0.07 0.159 < 0.012 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.004 228 17 41.8 29.9 6.88 0.20 6 2.47 6.41 18.3 0.34 9.52 0.37 95.0 < 0.006 41 < 0.016 < 0.07 0.136 1.2 7.1 0.234 11.3 0.028 1.19 3.1 < 0.005 269 0.15 30.8 < 0.027 < 2.2 7.83 5.2 0.040 5.9 9.6 R 0.0 1.674 4.6 9.9 0.61 15.3 2.038 211 15.92 0.160 2099 243 0.33 < 0.013 0.702 < 0.003 U 10.00 1.00 8.00 0.70988 0.101 -6.94 70 3071 442 218 1 USGS 355308112054101 2013-06-26 14:27 MST K USGS-WRD WG 0.10 214 41.0 27.0 6.80 0.20 6 2.30 6.80 19.0 0.310 9.40 0.34 92 < 0.0008 < 0.006 42.0 0.00740 < 0.04 0.059 1.30 < 8 0.22000 11.0 0.02400 1.00 3.80 < 0.3 265.0 0.100 30.0 < 0.05000 < 0.10000 < 0.20 0.00014 1.40 8.50 8.30 4.30 < 0.20 0.0230 0.09 0.00150 < 0.00005 0.0035 15.0 < 0.3 < 0.00009 < 0.00003 0.00010 < 0.00002 0.0010 < 0.00005 0.0170 < 0.003 < 0.000030 < 0.00004 6.20 < 0.000030 -89.70 -12.10 0.00030 < 0.00005 0.00070 100 USGS 355308112054101 2016-06-28 12:00 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.5 23.0 608 451 0.00004 5.1 80 7.4 15 0.4 244 < 0.02 < 0.01 < 0.001 0.19 0.165 < 0.012 < 0.004 218 17 41.0 28.0 7.80 0.23 7 2.50 6.70 18.0 0.30 9.60 0.50 99.0 0.00100 < 0.10000 39.0 < 0.0020 < 0.08 < 0.10000 1.20 14.0 0.280 4.20 0.040 1.20 0.70 < 1 260.0 < 0.10 7.4 0.072 < 0.10 0.70 < 0.00040 0.00160 8.80 8.30 5.10 < 0.07 0.0020 0.00180 < 0.00040 0.0048 7.0 12.3 R -0.5 4.8 10.0 0.24 13.0 201 16.80 0.150 2001 < 0.00080 < 0.0002 < 0.0006 < 0.00010 0.0009 < 0.00010 < 0.003 < 0.00020 < 0.00010 6.10 0.00000240 0.000 0.0000001614 < 0.00020 0.18 0.21 235 0.32 < 0.013 0.731 < 0.003 1.00 0.10 0.71008 -7.69 -89.00 -12.16 < 0.0007 < 0.00040 < 0.0020 4100 4100 0.0000024021 0.0002895110 0.0000000124 0.009 0.019 M M 0.0000001472 0.0000000142 0.0000005568 0.0002889540 0.0000000000 0.0000000002 0.0000000032 0.0000000001 0.0000000027 0.0000000036 0.0000000013 0.0000000011 1 30444 20164 20196 10040 USGS 355308112054101 2016-06-28 12:01 MST K USGS-WRD WG 100 95 23 148.6 USGS 355308112054101 2016-06-28 12:02 MST K USGS-WRD WG 100 96 21 153.3 USGS 355308112054101 2016-06-28 12:03 MST K USGS-WRD WG 97 93 21 USGS 355308112054101 2017-09-14 11:15 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.2 601 40.0 452 0.00004 3.2 51 7.4 15 0.1 251 0.130 238 32 44 31 6.1 0.17 5 2.30 6.560 18.70 0.300 9.5 0.32 87.0 < 0.0010 < 0.001 38.0 < 0.002 0.2 0.080 1.20 14.0 0.240 8.70 0.0230 1.100 5.6 < 2.0 290.0 0.12 4.3 0.041 < 0.010 0.60 0.0008 0.0017 7.8 8.4 6.1 < 0.20 0.007 0.0015 < 0.00020 0.0037 0.9 4.2 8.4 0.22 14.00 206 14.87 0.070 2001 < 0.0006 0.0011 < 0.0007 < 0.00020 0.0009 < 0.00010 < 0.0060 < 0.00020 < 0.00010 5.60 < 0.0001 243 0.33 120 1.00 0.10 -7.68 -88.50 -12.09 < 0.0005 < 0.0008 0.0016 4100 4100 1 40237 30582 30592 20251 20239 20210 10048 USGS 355308112054101 2018-09-11 13:35 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.4 27.4 601 36 36.0 451 0.00004 2.4 38 7.4 16 0.5 264 0.100 204 37.0 27.0 5.40 0.16 5 2.200 6.0 18.0 0.23 8.8 0.30 84 0.0012 0.0060 38.0 0.014 < 0.10 0.084 2.6 6.4 1.90 20.0 0.026 1.10 11.00 < 5 270.0 < 0.20 6.3 0.0390 0.9 < 0.00010 0.0020 7.00 8.300 5.80 0.0014 < 0.0003 0.00320 13.0 217 2001 < 0.00040 < 0.00020 < 0.00040 < 0.00008 0.0009 0.00004 < 0.00006 0.00008 5.7 < 0.00008 236 0.32 70 1.00 0.10 < 0.0006 < 0.00030 0.0004 4100 4100 1 40257 30599 30602 20328 20323 20329 20302 10052 USGS 355308112054101 2019-09-11 11:00 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.3 16.0 604 40 40.0 459 0.00005 3.4 54 7.3 22 0.4 262 0.131 213 39.0 28.0 8.3 0.25 8 2.40 6.83 19.3 0.310 9.60 0.370 80 0.0013 < 0.0010 41.0 < 0.0030 < 0.09 0.033 1.40 4.2 0.190 5.800 0.022 1.100 3.80 < 8.0 260 0.18 4.9 0.0100 1.3 0.0009 9.0 11.000 4.00 0.0015 < 0.00020 0.00330 0.4 5.0 9.1 0.50 14.00 216 13.82 0.200 2001 < 0.0004 < 0.00010 < 0.0002 < 0.000070 0.0012 < 0.0001 < 0.004 < 0.00010 < 0.00010 6.20 < 0.00005 244 0.33 120 1.00 0.10 -7.55 -89.50 -12.12 < 0.0004 < 0.00030 < 0.0020 4100 4100 1 40295 30754 30666 30676 20375 20343 20350 20381 10063 USGS 355308112054101 2020-06-09 12:30 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.7 39.0 455 0.00005 1.3 7.3 20 0.4 266 216 40.00 28.0 7.4 0.22 7 2.30 7.21 19.9 0.26 7.8 0.23 80.0 0.003 0.01 39 0.0030 < 0.20 0.07 3.0 96 2.60 22.0 0.038 1.10 14.0 < 5.0 270 < 0.04 6.2 0.040 < 0.0200 < 3 0.0006 0.0027 8.40 8.60 4.5 0.32 0.029 0.00130 < 0.00030 0.0037 R -0.2 4.9 9.4 0.16 14.000 219 13.51 0.110 2001 0.0011 0.0230 < 0.0003 < 0.00010 0.0005 0.0003 < 0.00008 0.00019 6.0 < 0.0008 245 0.33 1.00 0.10 -7.50 -89.50 -12.14 0.00070 < 0.0002 8040 4100 50 1 40311 30769 30810 20375 20370 20383 10062 USGS 355308112054101 2021-05-25 11:30 MST K USGS-WRD WG 26.2 604 448 0.00005 1.7 26 7.4 19 0.4 256 216 5 40 28.0 6.10 0.18 6 2.20 9.10 0.300 83 0.0021 < 0.0010 40 0.0560 0.50 0.014 2.50 173.0 1.200 19.0 0.01900 1.100 10.0 < 2 258 < 0.100 10 0.029 0.0100 < 2.0 < 0.0005 0.0028 7.2 8.60 5.5 0.08 0.022 0.0017 < 0.00020 0.0048 R -0.2 14.00 211 0.86 14.26 0.150 2001 < 0.0004 0.0130 < 0.0003 < 0.00010 0.0017 0.0002 < 0.00008 < 0.00008 6.4 < 0.00010 < 0.1 10.00 2.00 -7.45 -89.00 -12.14 < 0.0007 < 0.00050 0.0012 8040 5.25 4100 47.0 1 40322 30848 10072 USGS 355308112054101 2022-09-27 12:20 MST K USGS-WRD WG 27.1 606 452 0.00009 3.9 62 7.1 37 0.6 262 218 2 41.00 28.00 7.5 0.22 7 2.40 9.3 0.24 80.0 < 0.005 < 0.0030 41.0 0.018 0.7 0.0440 4.10 21 0.680 20.0 0.021 1.100 8.6 < 1 < 0.40 271.0 < 0.050 33.0 0.0320 0.110 < 0.8 < 0.0004 0.0030 10.0 8.70 5.80 0.68 0.0220 0.00070 < 0.0002 0.0027 0.5 14.000 216 13.35 0.210 2001 < 0.0004 0.0120 < 0.0005 < 0.000200 < 0.0009 < 0.000300 < 0.00010 < 0.00010 6.80 < 0.0004 < 0.01 10.00 0.01 -7.41 -89.20 -12.06 < 0.0010 < 0.00050 8040 8000 1 40371 30921 20595 20594 20606 10072 USGS 355308112054101 2023-10-10 12:00 MST K USGS-WRD WG 24.5 599 453 0.00005 2.6 41 7.3 E 20 E 0.5 E 262 E 215 14.34 0.160 2001 0.5 < 0.01 10.00 8.00 2584.00 2960.00 0.00 -90.30 -12.13 4100 4100