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> Site Information
LOCATION.--Lat 42°04'30.1", long 74°58'34.6" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Delaware County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 02040102, on left bank 0.5 mi downstream from Downsville Dam, at downstream end of outlet channel of Pepacton Reservoir, and 1.0 mi east of Downsville.
DRAINAGE AREA.--372 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1941 to current year.
REVISIONS HISTORY.--WDR NY-82-1: Drainage area. WDR-US-2006: 2004-05 (M). Datum of gage was corrected on Feb. 7, 2022, from 1,094.92 ft above NGVD of 1929 (levels by Board of Water Supply, City of New York) to 1,094.92 ft above Mean Sea Level Datum of Board of Water Supply, City of New York (levels by Board of Water Supply, City of New York).
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and concrete control. Datum of gage is 1,094.92 ft above Mean Sea Level Datum of Board of Water Supply, City of New York (levels by Board of Water Supply, City of New York) and 1,093.67 ft above NAVD of 1988. Prior to Sept. 26, 1941, nonrecording gage, and Sept. 26, 1941 to June 27, 1955, water-stage recorder, at site 0.8 mi downstream at datum 7.03 ft lower.
REMARKS.--Subsequent to September 1954, entire flow from drainage area controlled by Pepacton Reservoir (station 01416900). Part of flow diverted for New York City municipal supply. Remainder of flow (except for conservation releases and spill) impounded for release during periods of low flow in the lower Delaware River basin, as directed by the Delaware River Master.
Water Years 2014-24: Records good.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, since construction of Pepacton Reservoir in 1954, 20,200 ft³/s, Sept. 18, 2004, gage height, 12.08 ft; minimum discharge, 0.3 ft³/s, Oct. 11, 1954; minimum gage height, 1.39 ft, Jan. 17, 1964.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Flood of Oct. 9, 1903, reached a stage of about 16 ft (at former site and datum).
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD PRIOR TO REGULATION.--Maximum discharge, prior to construction of Pepacton Reservoir in 1954, 23,900 ft³/s, Nov. 26, 1950, gage height, 14.52 ft, site and datum then in use.
INSTRUMENTATION1.--Water-temperature recorder provides 15-minute-interval readings.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD1.--WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 16.4 °C, July 18, 2021; minimum, 2.2 °C, Mar. 1, 2020.
1 Water-Quality Records
> Rating Information
> Additional Site Information

USGS provisional real-time discharge data can differ from NYCDEP discharge data at flows less than 700 ft3/s as a result of debris or other obstructions affecting the USGS stage-discharge relationship. USGS and NYCDEP data may also differ as a result of accuracy limitations of the stage-discharge rating and the release valve ratings. Release valve changes are recorded at the stream-gaging station after a brief period due to travel time between the two locations.
More information about provisional data can be found at

Gage PhotoStation image


This station managed by the NY Water Science Center Milford.

Available Parameters Available Period
2019-07-11  2025-01-23
1990-10-01  2025-03-13
2007-10-01  2025-03-13


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement
*** There are no data available on the Waterdata system for the time period specified,
    although data may be available in the files of the local USGS office operating the station.