LOCATION.--Lat 44°51'54", long 88°18'00", in NW 1/4 sec.34, T.28 N., R.18 E., Oconto County, Hydrologic Unit 04030104, on left bank 300 ft upstream from County Trunk Highway BB bridge, 2.0 mi upstream from Christy Brook, 2.0 mi south of Gillett, and at mile 29.
DRAINAGE AREA.--705 square miles.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1906 to March 1909, October 1913 to present. Monthly discharge for some periods published in WSP 1307.
REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1207: 1922. WSP 1307: 1907-8(M), 1914-16(M), 1918-21(M), 1923- 33(M), 1937-38(M), 1943(M). WDR WI-79-1: Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 732.85 ft at NAVD 1988 (levels by Wisconsin Department of Transportation). See WSP 1727 for history of changes prior to Aug. 25, 1938.
REMARKS.--Gage-height telemeter at station.
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Wisconsin Department of Natural
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