LOCATION--Lat 42°00'55", long 70°57'42",
Plymouth County, Hydrologic Unit 01090004, on right bank, 15 ft
upstream from Rt 18/106 bridge in Elmwood, and about 3.5 mi upstream
from mouth at Taunton River.
DRAINAGE AREA--40.5 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD--July 1958 to September 1960, December 2006 to
current year.
GAGE--Water-stage recorder with satellite telemeter. Datum of
gage is 25 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, from
topographic map.
REMARKS--Flow affected by effluent releases from wastewater
treatment plant located upstream from gage.
COOPERATION BY--Massachusetts Executive
Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs