USGS 414405070312104 MA-SDW 483-0170 (MW-17M3) SANDWICH, MA


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LOCATION--Lat 41°44’09.97, long 70°31’20.59, Barnstable County, Hydrologic Unit 01090002, 900 ft Northeast of intersection of Gibbs and Sandwich roads, 10 ft east of centerline of Sandwich road, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Sandwich, MA.
AQUIFER--Sand and gravel, glaciated regions; outwash deposits.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS--Drilled observation water-table well, depth 170 ft, screened 160 ft to 170 ft.
INSTRUMENTATION--Data Collection Platform with cellular telephone telemeter, February 2019 to current year.
DATUM--Elevation of land-surface datum of gage is 181.34 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Measuring point: top of PVC casing, 0.72 ft below land-surface datum.
PERIOD OF RECORD--March 2006 to current year.
COOPERATION--U.S. Army Environmental Command.

Available Parameters Available Period
2019-02-20  2025-02-14


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Depth to water level, feet below land surface, [(2)]

Most recent instantaneous value: 123.03 02-14-2025   15:15 EST
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