LOCATION.--Lat 43°28'32.9", long
74°12'20.8" referenced to North American Datum of
1983, Hamilton County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 02020002, near
WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Depth 16 ft. Upper casing
diameter 2.5 in; top of first opening 16 ft, bottom of last
opening 19 ft. Well filled in from original depth of 19 ft,
cased to 16 ft, 1.25-in. well point (60-gauze screen, 16 ft to
19 ft, damaged during well installation).
DATUM.--Land-surface datum is 1,289.62 ft above North
American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: Top of
casing, 1.55 ft above land-surface datum, Jun. 11, 2002 to
present; Top of shelter shelf, 2.44 ft above land-surface
datum, Sep. 18, 2013 to present.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--November 1965 to August 1995, March
2002 to current year.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder--15 minute; periodic manual
measurements by USGS personnel. Prior to June 2002, tape
measurements by USGS personnel.
REMARKS.--Well casing believed to have settled about
0.75 ft shortly after installation. All published records prior
to 1985 water year should be adjusted accordingly. Water levels
affected by repeated beaver dam activity 2011-14 water years.
Satellite water-level telemeter at station.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level,
4.06 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 1, 2019; lowest water
level measured, 16.19 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 21,