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Water-Year Summary for Site 01311875
Satellite and telephone elevation, velocity, and velocity-sensor depth telemeters at station. Gaps in elevation record caused by equipment malfunctions are filled with estimated data from nearby gage 01311850 Jamaica Bay at Inwood NY.
Flow at this site is affected significantly by astronomical tides. Discharge computed with a sidelooking acoustic velocity meter. Blanks in discharge tables are due to interruption of record. By convention, the U.S. Geological Survey has established ebb (seaward) flows as positive flows and flood (landward) flows as negative flows. Unfiltered 6-minute stage, velocity, and discharge data are available upon request.
Maximum daily discharge, 47,400 ft³/s, Apr. 28, 2018, but may have been higher during period of missing record; maximum elevation, 11.75 ft, Oct. 29, 2012; minimum daily discharge, -22,400 ft³/s, Oct. 27, 2018, but may have been lower during period of missing record; minimum elevation, -5.23 ft, Mar. 9, 2005.
WATER TEMPERATURE: November 2014 to March 2019.
SALINITY: November 2014 to March 2019.
TURBIDITY: November 2014 to March 2019.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum 28.2 °C Aug. 14, 2016; Minimum -1.7 °C several times throughout the period of record.
SALINITY: Maximum 38.2 psu Feb. 22, 2016; Minimum 22.2 psu Nov. 17, 2018.
TURBIDITY: Maximum 59 FNU Sept. 14, 2016; Minimum <0.1 FNU several times throughout the period of record.