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Water-Year Summary for Site 02203950

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Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Min.,Max.,Mean)  
00045 Precipitation(Sum)  
00060 Discharge(Mean)  
00065 Gage height(Mean)  
00095 Specific cond at 25C(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00300 Dissolved oxygen(Min.,Max.,Mean)  
00400 pH(Max.,Min.,Med.)  
63680 Turbidity, Form Neph(Med.,Max.,Min.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 33°45'47.6", long 84°13'13.3" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Dekalb County, GA, Hydrologic Unit 03070103,
DRAINAGE AREA - 13.2 mi².

Gage datum was revised on March 21, 2022, based on an error in the determination of the gage datum.

DISCHARGE: February 2010 to current year.
GAGE HEIGHT: February 2010 to current year.
GAGE - Satellite telemetry with a water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 844.80 feet above the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988 (leveling by Global Positioning System equipment). Prior to March 8, 2010, datum of gage was 846.81 feet above the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929.
COOPERATION - DeKalb County Department of Watershed Protection.
REMARKS - Gage-height records are generally good. Discharge records are generally fair except for estimated discharges, which are poor.  Additional details on the accuracy of the records can be obtained by contacting the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center at gs-w-ga_nwisweb_data_inquiries@usgs.gov.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge recorded, 3,800 cfs, May 27, 1963, from datum then in use; maximum gage-height recorded, 16.64 feet October 10, 2020; minimum daily discharge, 0.78 cfs, October 8, 2011.
PERIOD OF RECORD - February 2010 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Tipping-bucket rain gage.
PERIOD OF RECORD - March 2012 to current year.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: March 2012 to current year.
pH: March 2012 to current year.
WATER TEMPERATURE: March 2012 to current year.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: March 2012 to current year.
TURBIDITY: March 2012 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Satellite telemetry with a continuous water-quality monitor and an automatic refrigerated sampler.
For period 10/01/2013-09/30/2014: Specific conductance, pH, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen records rated good. Turbidity records rated fair.
For period 10/01/2014-09/30/2015: Specific conductance, pH, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen records rated good. Turbidity records rated fair.
For period 10/01/2015-09/30/2016: Specific conductance records rated fair. pH, water temperature and dissolved oxygen records rated good. Turbidity records rated fair.
For period 10/01/2016-09/30/2017: Specific conductance records rated fair. pH, water temperature and dissolved oxygen records rated good. Turbidity records rated fair.
For period 10/01/2017-09/30/2018: Specific conductance records rated fair. pH, water temperature and dissolved oxygen records rated good. Turbidity records rated fair.
For period 10/01/2018-09/30/2019: Specific conductance records rated fair. pH, water temperature and dissolved oxygen records rated good. Turbidity records rated fair.

Data for parameter code 63680 (turbidity) were collected using a probe with the following specifications: turbidity, water, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +/-2.5 degrees, FNU (Formazin Nephelometric Units). Hydrologic event 9 indicates a routine sample while J designates a storm event sample. Laboratory chemical analyses are by RTI Laboratory, Livonia, MI. Laboratory sediment analyses are by the U.S. Geological Survey, KY Sediment Laboratory. Field determinations of discharge, specific conductance, pH, water temperature, turbidity, barometric pressure, bacteria, and dissolved oxygen are by the U.S. Geological Survey.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 2,000 microsiemens, January 22, 2018; Minimum, 24 microsiemens, August 9, 2017, March 3, 2019 and August 21, 2020 

pH: Maximum, 9.2 units, June 24, 2019; minimum, 5.6 units, October 2, 2012, August 30, 2022.

WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 30.1°C, July 1, 2012; minimum, 0.1°C, January 30, 2014, January 5, 18, 2018.

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum, 13.6 mg/L, January 23, 2013; minimum, 0.5 mg/L, September 8, 2018 and September 7, 2019

TURBIDITY: Maximum, 1,090 FNU, December 24, 2015, August 2, 2016; minimum, <0.5 FNU, October 18, 2017.