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Water-Year Summary for Site 03081000
Values measured by the monitor may not be representative of the entire river width due to the influence of the Casselman River, which joins with the Youghiogheny River one mile upstream on the right (eastern) bank. Data collection for dissolved oxygen is discontinued during the winter months. Other interruptions in the record were due to equipment malfunctions or fouling.
Cross-sectional water quality data is available upon request.
Historically, water temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius were not reported. Water temperature sensors now have the ability to accurately read water temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius.
For water year 2014, records for water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen are rated good. Records for specific conductance are rated good, except for November 26 to December 6 and May 7-14, which are rated fair, and November 21-25, which are rated poor.
For water year 2015, records for water temperature, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen are rated good. Records for pH are rated good, except for April 20 to September 30, which are rated fair.
For water year 2016, records for water temperature are rated good, except for December 2 to June 15 and August 12 to September 30, which are rated fair, and June 16 to August 11, which are rated poor. Records for specific conductance are rated good, except for August 16-18, which are rated fair, and August 19-25, which are rated poor. Records for pH are rated fair. Records for dissolved oxygen are rated good, except for March 16 to June 15, which are rated fair, and June 16 to August 11, which are rated poor.
For water year 2017, records for water temperature are rated good. Records for specific conductance are rated good, except for June 7 to July 18, which are poor. Records for pH are rated good, except for July 18 to September 30, which are poor. Records for dissolved oxygen are rated poor.
For water year 2018, records for water temperature and dissolved oxygen are rated good. Records for specific conductance are rated good, except for August 8 to September 8, which are fair, and September 9-30, which are poor. Records for pH are rated good, except for June 6 to September 30, which are fair.
Beginning in water year 2019, water quality records are not rated as "excellent", "good", "fair", or "poor".