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Water-Year Summary for Site 07239450

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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 35°37'01", long 98°03'54" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec.09, T.13 N., R.8 W., Canadian County, OK, Hydrologic Unit 11100301, near left bank on downstream side of county road bridge, 1 mi north and 3 mi east of Calumet, and at mile 320.7.
DRAINAGE AREA - 13,239 mi² of which 3,497 mi² probably is noncontributing. From automated delineation using 10-meter National Elevation Dataset digital elevation model data dated 10/01/2006 and Watershed Boundary Dataset dated 10/01/2006, using Albers Equal-Area Projection, North American Datum 1983.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR 2012: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1988 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1328.10 above  NAVD of 1988  determined by GNSS Level II Survey using Alltera network with RTK Trimble R-10 tied to RP-6 by USGS Personnel on 07-25-2019. Prior to 07-25-2019 Datum of gage was 1,326.80 ft above NGVD of 1929.

10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023: records good.

Some regulation by Canton Lake (station 07238500).

Quality of data for other periods can be obtained by contacting the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge 23,000 ft³/s Aug. 19, 2007, Maximum gage-height 20.67 ft on August 19, 2007; No flow at times.

WATER TEMPERATURE: Water quality data only was collected between 1974 - 1975. The site was set up for stream gaging and water quality monitoring in October 1988 to current year. Data available prior to 10/01/2007 has been graded as unusable.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Water quality data only was collected between 1974 - 1975. The site was set up for stream gaging and water quality monitoring in October 1988 to current year. Data available prior to 10/01/2007 has been graded as unusable.

pH: Water quality data only was collected between 1974 - 1975. The site was set up for stream gaging and water quality monitoring in October 1988 to current year. Data available prior to 10/01/2007 has been graded as unusable.

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Water quality data only was collected between 1974 - 1975. The site was set up for stream gaging and water quality monitoring in October 1988 to current year. Data available prior to 10/01/2007 has been graded as unusable.


Accuracy rating of the record for the 2024 Water Year:

WATER TEMPERATURE: Excellent; No fouling or calibration corrections were applied per USGS water temperature policy. Minimal data loss occurred. This sensor was NIST checked on a quarterly basis, and two EWI, depth-integrated cross section surveys were completed throughout the year to confirm stream mixing conditions and sonde placement.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY: Good; Fouling and calibration drift corrections were applied throughout the year. Some data loss occurred due to equipment malfunctions, data deletions, and site visits. Two EWI, depth-integrated cross section surveys were completed throughout this year to confirm stream mixing conditions and sonde placement. 

pH: Fair; Fouling and calibration drift corrections were applied throughout the year while some data gaps occurred due to equipment malfunctions, data deletions, and site visits. Various equipment issues that occurred resulted in a lower accuracy rating for this water year. Two EWI, depth-integrated cross section surveys were completed throughout this year to confirm stream mixing conditions and sonde placement. 

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Good; Fouling and calibration drift corrections were applied throughout the year. Some data gaps occurred due to equipment malfunctions, data deletions, and site visits. Two EWI, depth-integrated cross section surveys were completed throughout this year to confirm stream mixing conditions and sonde placement. 

Quality of data for other periods can be obtained by contacting the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center.


Maximum 38.1°C on 07/19/2022

Minimum -1.4°C on 03/05/2019*


Maximum 2450 µS/cm on 08/15/2022

Minimum 195 µS/cm on 06/24/2015


Maximum 9.5 units on 08/10/2022*

Minimum 5.7 units on 05/05/2014*


Maximum 19.9 mg/L on 05/20/2020

Minimum 0.7 mg/l on 08/28/2014

*Multiple occurrences of the same extreme following the date listed.