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Water-Year Summary for Site 07288521
Datum of gage is 94.10 ft. above NAVD of 1988, (Reference Frame NAD_83 (2011) EPOCH:2010.0000), GEOID18).
Primary Reference is a standard USGS wire-weight gage, attached to upstream handrail over low water channel.
Primary inside gage is a Sutron Auto-Bubbler stage sensor and automatic purge system that is connected to an H-522+ Design Analysis Data Recorder with a 15-minute scan interval.
Primary water quality gage is an Aqua Troll 600 multi-probe sensor which measures water temperature, DO, pH, Turbidity, and Dissolved Oxygen.
There is one ISCO 3700 sampler, which sample based on adjusted trigger stages due to changing conditions during the seasons and agricultural practices. At the determined stage, the sampler will take three bottles each every 3 hours. Of the three-total samples taken, two are designated as nutrient samples, one preserved and one not. The other one is for sediment. There is also an H-340SDI Tipping Bucket installed at the site to record total rainfall.
Equipment is housed in a walk-in shelter, which is located on the upstream, left bank.
Maximum instantaneous discharge = 1,990 cfs on March 10, 2016.
Maximum instantaneous gage height = 24.47 feet on March 10, 2016.