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Water-Year Summary for Site 182038064550300

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Available Parameters
72019 Water level, depth LSD(Obs.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
Other aquifers
LOCATION - Lat 18°20'38", long 64°55'03" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, St. Thomas County, Hydrologic Unit 21020001, 1.12 mi east of Charlotte Amalie, 0.75 mi southwest of Winterberg Peak, and 1.08 mi southeast of Canaan.
REVISIONS HISTORY - Field Groundwater levels, depth below land-surface datum for the period May 25, 2016, to Nov. 28, 2023 were revised on Feb. 16, 2024, because the Measuring Point correction length was incorrect. New corrected MP length is 0.66 ft lower.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 52 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Measuring point: TOP OF 0.50-IN HOLE AT 6-IN CASING, 50.7 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, Mar. 22, 1982 to Jul. 1, 1999; TOP OF 6-IN CASING, 49.1 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, Mar. 22, 1982 to Jun. 28, 1983; TOP OF 0.50-IN HOLE AT 6-IN CASING, 48.7 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, Jun. 30, 1999 to May. 6, 2016; Below old shelter on top of 8 inches PVC pipe. This MP i, 49.18 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, May. 5, 2016 to May. 26, 2016; Top of 8 inches PVC pipe inside shelter, 49.6 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, May. 25, 2016 to present. Elevation of land-surface datum is about 52 ft (15.8 m), above mean sea level, from topographic map. Prior to June 30, 1999, is about 60 ft (18.3 m), above mean sea level. Measuring point: Top of 0.5 in (0.01 m) hole at 6 in (0.15 m) casing, 3.3 ft (1 m).
PERIOD OF RECORD - March 1982 to January 15, 2004.  May 2016 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder 60 minute interval, satellite telemetry at station.
REMARKS - Recording observation well. A datum correction was required after land-surface elevation in the area, changed from 60 ft (18.3 m) to 52 ft (15.8 m) on June 29, 1999. For water year 2004, tapedowns measurements only.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Highest water level recorded, -1.9 ft (-0.57 m), below land-surface datum, October 16, 2017; lowest water level recorded, 18.58ft below land-surface datum; on August 08, 2022.