USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
321943081151401 35S008
Other aquifers
Lower Brunswick Aquifer
LOCATION - Lat 32°19'43", long 81°15'14" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Effingham County, GA, Hydrologic Unit 03060109, 4.3 miles southeast of Rincon, GA
REVISIONS HISTORY - The approved discrete groundwater level on Aug. 22, 2006 was deleted on Aug. 2, 2022, based on the determination that it is inaccurate. It was originally approved as 46.94 ft. below land-surface datum.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 215 ft. Upper casing diameter 4 in; top of first opening 165 ft, bottom of last opening 215 ft.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 64 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: top of recorder shelf, 2.5 ft above land-surface datum, Oct. 18, 1999 to May. 27, 2021; Bottom of shelter, 3.52 ft above land-surface datum, May. 26, 2021 to present.
PERIOD OF RECORD - February 11, 2000 to current year.
COOPERATION - Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division.