USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
324055117064401 017S002W20F001S, 32nd Street Naval Base Cluster Well near National City, CA
California Coastal Basin aquifers
LOCATION - Lat 32°40'55.49", long 117°06'44.57" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, San Diego County, CA, Hydrologic Unit 18070304, in semi-fenced paved parking lot directly east of guard shack at the Main Street/Division Street gate.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 1,500 ft. Upper casing diameter 2.9 in; top of first opening 1,460 ft, bottom of last opening 1,500 ft.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 12.3 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: Top of casing - cut off. Don't use this one, 1.7 ft above land-surface datum, Jul. 24, 2006 to Oct. 12, 2006; Top of 2 inch PVC casing, black mark on north side (above LSD), 0.28 ft above land-surface datum, Oct. 12, 2006 to Feb. 6, 2013; Top of concrete vault (above LSD), 0.5 ft above land-surface datum, Oct. 12, 2006 to Feb. 6, 2013; Top of pvc (updated sims mp), 0.21 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 6, 2013 to present. Prior to July 19, 2024, Landâsurface datum is 12.25 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Water year 2006 to current year.
GAGE - Electronic data logger and pressure sensor.
PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - October 2006 to current year.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Highest daily maximum water level recorded, -1.97 ft NAVD 88, May 1, 2007; lowest daily minimum water level recorded, -39.55 ft NAVD 88, Sept 21, 2022.