USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
382215075041903 WO Bh 89
Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system
Manokin Aquifer
LOCATION - Lat 38°22'15.5", long 75°04'18.3" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Worcester County, MD, Hydrologic Unit 02040303, at 44th St, Ocean City.
CORRECTION: From 1995WY to 2022WY, the highest water level for the period of record was erroneously reported in the EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD section of the manuscript as 0.42 ft. below land surface on October 8, 1993. The manuscript was corrected on August 9, 2023 with the true values and date of the maximum.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 500 ft. Upper casing diameter 4 in; top of first opening 388 ft, bottom of last opening 500 ft. Drilled, observation, artesian well.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 5.59 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Measuring point: Top of recorder shelter platform, 2.84 ft above land-surface datum, Oct. 1, 1986 to present.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1986 to current year.
GAGE - Ocean City Groundwater Monitoring Network observation well.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Highest water level recorded, 0.79 ft. below land surface, March 13, 1993 (recorder); lowest recorded, 40.65 ft below land surface, August 17, 1998 (recorder).