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USGS Daily Statistics for New York

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Ulster County, New York
Hydrologic Unit Code 02020007
Latitude  41°50'35.1", Longitude  74°05'10.0" NAD83
Drainage area 383  square miles
Gage datum 31.94 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1951-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 678 589 755 1,440 920 826 551 224 217 435 476 814
2 725 646 788 1,450 791 659 391 235 415 404 423 829
3 695 795 787 1,660 713 504 322 217 266 329 585 697
4 651 729 867 1,600 772 459 301 196 225 305 486 707
5 662 658 982 1,840 736 386 257 225 205 290 407 637
6 609 597 1,070 1,560 779 630 234 196 299 308 418 687
7 588 662 1,110 1,390 689 746 290 225 359 306 431 803
8 606 625 1,030 1,350 611 524 256 181 358 352 578 797
9 711 610 1,170 1,070 629 410 287 178 356 434 721 724
10 759 555 1,090 1,130 708 440 368 217 261 330 541 739
11 653 606 1,250 1,050 855 461 258 210 208 293 527 952
12 643 624 1,160 954 867 422 257 198 304 386 558 1,000
13 713 585 1,110 975 841 461 310 222 388 415 550 865
14 731 638 1,230 1,010 791 569 285 241 306 391 516 846
15 635 624 1,230 947 711 598 253 221 260 548 547 799
16 571 623 1,140 1,390 739 482 287 227 236 606 509 674
17 509 625 1,070 1,410 869 407 225 178 322 404 590 733
18 562 637 1,040 1,010 722 402 214 232 418 343 527 879
19 587 644 1,100 883 745 372 178 451 362 360 469 696
20 669 734 1,230 865 665 292 158 276 347 566 595 593
21 599 767 1,230 813 630 348 203 208 263 526 640 986
22 621 762 1,570 817 562 384 188 202 235 369 628 808
23 626 791 1,420 884 524 465 187 261 237 361 693 756
24 750 879 1,210 827 552 374 196 200 253 399 557 837
25 940 1,090 1,240 895 604 312 196 182 382 417 586 910
26 957 928 1,170 825 568 356 191 156 324 553 593 770
27 991 784 1,280 840 518 401 191 142 318 540 725 722
28 979 810 1,250 809 468 411 244 545 464 649 714 691
29 736 774 1,390 859 645 431 255 410 509 607 771 642
30 653   1,420 821 740 506 303 258 451 569 778 655
31 646   1,400   667   224 286   478   652