# # U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Information System # Surface water measurements # # Retrieved: 2024-07-26 20:21:31 EDT (nadww01) # # Further descriptions of the columns and codes used can be found at: # https://help.waterdata.usgs.gov/output-formats#streamflow_measurement_data # # Data for the following 18 site(s) are contained in this file # USGS 07185150 Neosho River below Little Elm Cr near Miami, OK # USGS 07188030 Warren Branch near Racine, MO # USGS 07188050 Warren Branch near Peoria, OK # USGS 07188490 Lost Creek near Racine, MO # USGS 07188530 Lost Creek at Mouth at Wyandotte, OK # USGS 07188550 Sycamore Creek near Wyandotte, OK # USGS 07191315 Saline Creek near Bull Hollow OK # USGS 07191330 Saline Creek near Wickliffe OK # USGS 07192075 Spring Creek near Oaks, OK # USGS 07192085 Spring Creek below Double Spring Cr. nr Peggs, OK # USGS 07192105 Spring Creek below Snake Creek near Locust Grove # USGS 07192110 Spring Creek Below Pipe Spring Br. near Murphy OK # USGS 07195455 Ballard Creek near Westville, OK # USGS 07195485 Ballard Creek at Watts, OK # USGS 07196525 Illinois River at Mouth near Keys, OK # USGS 07196935 Baron Fork above Evansville Cr. nr Baron, OK # USGS 07196952 Evansville Creek near Evansville, AR # USGS 07196955 Evansville Creek near Baron, OK # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # agency_cd site_no measurement_nu measurement_dt tz_cd q_meas_used_fg party_nm site_visit_coll_agency_cd gage_height_va discharge_va measured_rating_diff gage_va_change gage_va_time control_type_cd discharge_cd 5s 15s 6s 19d 12s 1s 12s 5s 12s 12s 12s 7s 6s 21s 15s USGS 07185150 1 2018-02-01 11:39:40 CST Yes BDH/JAW USGS 229 Poor Clear NONE USGS 07188030 1 2018-01-30 17:22:00 CST Yes j2w USGS 0.40 Poor VegetationModerate NONE USGS 07188050 1 2018-01-31 10:12:00 CST Yes j2w USGS 3.59 Poor -0.01 0.60 VegetationModerate NONE USGS 07188490 1 2018-01-30 16:16:30 CST Yes j2w USGS 8.62 Good DebrisHeavy NONE USGS 07188530 1 2018-01-30 12:21:00 CST Yes j2w USGS 18.9 Fair VegetationLight NONE USGS 07188550 1 2018-01-30 14:35:00 CST Yes j2w USGS 7.85 Fair DebrisLight NONE USGS 07191315 1 2018-01-30 14:29:00 CST Yes JAW USGS 5.54 Fair 0.01 2.00 NONE USGS 07191330 1 2018-01-30 11:12:30 CST Yes JAW USGS 19.4 Good 0.00 0.00 NONE USGS 07192075 1 2018-01-31 09:39:30 CST Yes car USGS 18.14 10.1 Fair 0.00 0.70 NONE USGS 07192085 1 2018-01-30 14:40:30 CST Yes car USGS 15.2 Fair NONE USGS 07192105 1 2018-01-30 11:52:30 CST Yes car USGS 32.8 Fair NONE USGS 07192110 1 2018-01-30 10:21:30 CST Yes car USGS 40.9 Good NONE USGS 07195455 1 2018-01-31 11:37:00 CST Yes JAW USGS 1.58 Poor 0.00 1.00 NONE USGS 07195485 1 2018-01-31 09:44:30 CST Yes JAW USGS 5.44 Fair 0.00 1.00 NONE USGS 07196525 1 2018-01-31 14:04:30 CST Yes car USGS 431 Fair NONE USGS 07196935 1 2018-01-31 13:01:00 CST Yes JAW USGS 7.52 Good 0.00 1.00 NONE USGS 07196952 1 2018-01-31 12:02:30 CST Yes car USGS 5.68 Fair NONE USGS 07196955 1 2018-01-31 14:57:00 CST Yes JAW USGS 8.31 Good NONE