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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Robeson County, North Carolina
Hydrologic Unit Code 03040203
Latitude  34°46'22", Longitude  79°19'55" NAD83
Drainage area 365  square miles
Gage datum 171.80 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1986-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 565 585 583 578 409 338 292 276 277 438 357 486
2 584 570 593 578 414 330 314 294 290 459 361 485
3 594 564 608 572 425 321 329 297 291 443 359 479
4 583 569 626 569 447 311 331 289 276 430 357 470
5 573 578 644 572 448 304 324 283 283 425 368 455
6 577 592 656 559 435 308 309 273 306 429 375 439
7 588 614 659 533 423 311 292 263 327 397 368 429
8 593 630 651 511 411 311 281 270 376 388 365 426
9 588 633 650 516 398 319 272 279 405 410 356 427
10 583 632 643 547 386 331 267 296 417 487 349 435
11 577 600 635 569 382 339 265 317 380 505 348 445
12 588 575 629 575 377 332 255 352 350 447 361 458
13 603 568 608 578 356 320 264 351 327 415 393 477
14 612 577 573 566 333 314 275 326 302 418 431 489
15 622 587 549 550 317 305 262 316 298 425 495 488
16 626 610 545 536 314 299 244 316 310 412 538 491
17 621 630 556 534 308 311 242 328 331 397 509 494
18 603 643 573 525 307 317 243 324 473 383 475 500
19 595 649 599 511 318 311 245 320 578 372 460 504
20 596 659 634 507 324 316 239 325 474 361 448 504
21 582 675 641 493 320 307 242 320 409 351 435 498
22 584 650 649 478 313 304 267 318 384 345 430 490
23 589 617 621 467 319 300 271 306 370 337 428 493
24 597 597 586 466 324 295 272 292 353 327 440 507
25 609 590 570 463 334 285 275 273 342 324 449 526
26 636 587 565 456 344 275 286 251 366 322 458 548
27 649 581 561 452 334 266 305 238 373 322 457 596
28 649 578 568 443 323 277 313 228 421 325 454 585
29 634 534 579 429 310 294 292 220 411 329 461 577
30 621   571 413 312 290 272 239 401 338 474 570
31 605   578   321   269 256   353   564