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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Trinity County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 18010211
Latitude  41°06'41", Longitude 122°42'16" NAD27
Drainage area 149  square miles
Gage datum 2,540.44 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1957-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 458 507 559 736 1,040 832 229 66 42 39 110 239
2 344 448 559 721 1,050 808 215 65 42 40 100 272
3 267 469 571 724 1,040 772 201 64 40 40 91 251
4 252 458 522 742 1,060 784 191 62 40 40 94 251
5 275 477 624 773 1,100 747 184 60 42 41 100 231
6 244 537 587 797 1,070 717 177 59 41 42 102 271
7 241 545 589 845 1,080 672 167 58 40 42 110 237
8 317 531 581 856 1,120 639 159 58 39 41 126 252
9 462 636 697 831 1,110 606 153 57 46 57 180 326
10 361 558 715 809 1,060 583 143 55 44 77 208 364
11 344 540 668 834 1,050 557 136 54 40 85 248 353
12 429 504 631 866 1,030 541 132 53 38 117 240 293
13 446 515 646 912 1,030 530 129 51 38 86 205 264
14 557 547 683 907 1,050 517 122 51 39 70 226 349
15 550 543 689 843 1,080 495 116 50 39 64 231 409
16 727 566 694 832 1,120 459 112 49 40 59 337 343
17 545 711 681 875 1,120 433 108 48 42 55 226 279
18 529 751 667 848 1,110 433 106 49 45 52 177 263
19 496 670 645 859 1,090 414 101 48 45 58 208 352
20 482 592 660 883 1,090 379 97 48 42 54 204 355
21 494 575 688 884 1,040 358 93 48 40 61 178 497
22 584 516 701 918 1,070 343 91 47 39 92 165 579
23 575 510 742 967 1,050 327 90 46 40 134 173 402
24 464 596 772 981 1,020 308 88 45 39 112 175 320
25 392 510 710 951 989 294 83 45 41 111 172 289
26 453 481 667 950 966 284 80 44 40 92 169 282
27 421 513 661 996 1,010 273 77 43 40 85 154 266
28 396 525 657 1,010 964 277 74 42 44 87 144 327
29 460 668 684 1,030 913 260 72 42 42 93 194 338
30 431   778 1,030 891 237 70 43 42 134 277 354
31 501   753   904   68 43   105   408