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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Trinity County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 18010211
Latitude  40°43'29", Longitude 122°48'04" NAD83
Drainage area 719  square miles
Gage datum 1,821.45 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1961-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 484 518 573 619 1,530 1,470 717 406 484 359 292 311
2 480 503 594 594 1,640 1,420 701 396 506 360 293 314
3 478 482 594 590 1,630 1,370 689 392 488 360 292 313
4 479 456 606 589 1,700 1,320 672 385 490 360 293 312
5 485 462 625 596 1,770 1,290 662 383 493 360 294 311
6 494 463 629 612 1,900 1,270 653 384 493 360 293 311
7 502 449 631 591 1,880 1,260 640 384 467 358 293 309
8 490 454 654 556 1,860 1,210 623 385 454 357 294 307
9 483 457 649 548 1,870 1,180 617 385 474 356 294 308
10 504 466 601 572 1,910 1,190 599 385 471 355 294 305
11 508 458 580 573 1,860 1,220 582 383 452 355 301 300
12 537 431 558 597 1,850 1,240 563 380 448 356 308 297
13 555 452 558 635 1,870 1,220 541 389 457 355 308 303
14 530 538 537 697 1,880 1,210 505 391 442 351 305 321
15 506 528 547 766 1,880 1,180 490 393 431 341 300 328
16 559 502 580 835 1,840 1,120 491 395 433 310 298 332
17 648 518 586 975 1,790 1,040 485 424 463 294 299 333
18 679 524 579 960 1,750 965 470 415 463 291 300 333
19 694 516 577 920 1,770 931 467 404 443 291 306 341
20 691 539 604 925 1,670 911 456 407 436 290 309 391
21 675 545 608 1,030 1,620 890 443 451 435 290 310 391
22 666 572 586 1,070 1,610 885 431 444 418 289 310 388
23 629 623 558 1,130 1,600 861 429 456 389 289 309 384
24 577 655 535 1,140 1,590 841 432 476 378 289 307 381
25 595 657 555 1,150 1,550 819 435 499 376 289 307 381
26 578 625 583 1,250 1,530 814 433 531 374 290 316 382
27 583 586 586 1,330 1,500 800 442 545 372 291 315 398
28 574 567 612 1,400 1,530 771 443 522 368 291 312 424
29 522 853 637 1,500 1,540 740 432 526 365 290 313 454
30 508   697 1,490 1,510 724 420 497 365 289 312 477
31 518   655   1,480   411 487   290   471