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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Trinity County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 18010211
Latitude  40°40'22", Longitude 122°55'10" NAD27
Drainage area 810  square miles
Gage datum 1,665.30 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1980-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 661 589 857 707 2,260 2,030 1,040 511 642 427 332 392
2 642 612 897 710 2,420 1,940 1,020 495 683 423 335 435
3 631 578 912 714 2,490 1,870 1,010 490 666 423 328 413
4 647 526 887 735 2,590 1,800 989 479 661 424 327 414
5 653 530 916 762 2,730 1,750 972 473 671 425 327 419
6 641 530 939 781 2,960 1,730 960 473 645 424 330 433
7 655 543 934 781 2,920 1,710 941 473 617 424 336 430
8 688 527 983 711 2,830 1,650 917 470 599 423 333 419
9 679 553 1,020 657 2,770 1,580 903 468 630 426 335 426
10 711 531 948 659 2,780 1,560 855 469 635 430 346 443
11 753 520 896 712 2,680 1,560 821 468 599 427 356 437
12 767 499 871 762 2,600 1,550 783 467 579 427 380 428
13 819 526 920 747 2,640 1,530 748 478 569 426 384 449
14 778 617 904 726 2,660 1,520 691 486 557 425 366 516
15 710 637 897 789 2,590 1,490 664 484 555 410 368 508
16 705 635 910 888 2,520 1,410 664 486 554 365 382 486
17 720 718 884 1,180 2,430 1,310 654 535 614 326 383 484
18 683 726 870 1,230 2,370 1,250 636 533 622 317 375 474
19 666 648 844 1,150 2,450 1,220 627 514 589 321 382 561
20 670 679 842 1,130 2,360 1,200 612 509 562 316 394 621
21 653 671 814 1,190 2,310 1,180 592 589 558 314 391 626
22 645 658 771 1,350 2,310 1,160 571 585 538 319 398 638
23 622 674 720 1,510 2,310 1,150 555 604 477 329 399 601
24 582 713 675 1,550 2,270 1,120 552 645 445 338 391 598
25 541 737 653 1,570 2,230 1,090 548 679 439 324 368 602
26 581 770 694 1,750 2,170 1,110 548 744 436 325 365 649
27 555 841 709 1,870 2,100 1,100 551 751 433 324 370 682
28 554 812 718 1,900 2,120 1,070 548 698 428 328 373 749
29 598 794 706 2,150 2,110 1,060 535 729 429 328 388 726
30 588   726 2,260 2,070 1,040 520 700 432 329 389 794
31 578   725   2,030   509 671   326   748