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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Trinity County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 18010211
Latitude  40°38'43", Longitude 122°57'24" NAD83
Drainage area 931  square miles
Gage datum 1,593.30 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 2002-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 719 784 834 768 3,240 2,530 1,310 537 751 472 353 412
2 643 831 873 752 3,450 2,430 1,260 522 795 472 355 474
3 610 780 831 753 3,630 2,350 1,230 519 793 473 350 411
4 687 756 795 786 3,800 2,290 1,200 507 762 475 353 423
5 684 851 831 827 3,940 2,210 1,170 499 797 477 347 442
6 619 908 946 866 4,190 2,180 1,140 500 782 475 351 450
7 656 955 867 919 4,140 2,170 1,120 501 741 473 369 445
8 841 818 800 864 4,040 2,070 1,080 497 712 472 365 448
9 864 908 788 842 3,920 1,940 1,050 494 757 474 367 426
10 850 802 867 835 3,920 1,890 988 496 776 479 357 465
11 842 722 844 936 3,760 1,850 926 493 722 477 349 501
12 879 677 840 1,110 3,610 1,800 871 492 691 475 350 458
13 1,080 680 870 1,080 3,650 1,760 825 503 677 478 355 479
14 1,080 730 952 1,020 3,730 1,750 784 515 657 479 351 582
15 959 710 893 1,100 3,630 1,710 754 517 655 460 351 615
16 929 782 856 1,280 3,560 1,670 737 518 651 406 355 617
17 1,060 942 782 1,690 3,420 1,640 725 589 731 344 351 485
18 1,040 870 740 1,830 3,430 1,590 700 594 748 328 351 473
19 1,060 810 753 1,700 3,600 1,560 679 565 706 335 359 558
20 1,080 908 849 1,690 3,450 1,520 659 551 664 330 370 579
21 1,040 884 853 1,740 3,250 1,500 640 667 656 325 370 582
22 1,020 838 843 1,960 3,170 1,460 619 666 630 331 370 619
23 945 797 780 2,170 3,130 1,470 595 674 548 332 366 562
24 871 787 825 2,240 3,120 1,440 589 735 501 374 362 548
25 825 812 803 2,260 3,070 1,400 584 783 488 349 352 509
26 797 923 782 2,490 2,950 1,410 582 886 484 345 353 529
27 746 1,110 829 2,670 2,830 1,400 583 902 479 343 364 725
28 739 901 866 2,710 2,800 1,370 581 824 473 346 359 945
29 774 988 806 3,100 2,730 1,350 571 878 472 350 384 729
30 749   837 3,240 2,680 1,320 548 840 477 349 408 921
31 720   802   2,620   533 787   347   918