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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Trinity County, California
Hydrologic Unit Code 18010211
Latitude  40°47'20", Longitude 123°26'20" NAD27
Drainage area 1,439  square miles
Gage datum 947.85 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1963-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 2,850 2,940 3,090 3,070 3,150 2,640 1,260 598 597 480 596 1,310
2 2,400 2,880 3,180 2,930 3,170 2,570 1,230 588 589 474 627 1,530
3 2,070 2,790 3,250 2,770 3,170 2,480 1,190 576 604 477 611 1,430
4 2,000 2,700 3,050 2,640 3,250 2,440 1,140 567 583 479 604 1,380
5 2,030 2,720 3,100 2,590 3,360 2,390 1,120 557 593 481 603 1,580
6 2,090 2,900 3,200 2,590 3,400 2,320 1,100 550 603 481 635 1,530
7 2,070 3,040 3,060 2,690 3,440 2,280 1,080 547 587 480 700 1,590
8 2,390 2,860 3,100 2,610 3,410 2,200 1,060 540 561 476 767 1,540
9 2,740 2,930 3,390 2,510 3,380 2,100 1,030 535 559 476 832 1,680
10 2,610 2,870 3,400 2,460 3,330 2,050 984 531 588 494 852 1,960
11 2,670 2,690 3,160 2,510 3,280 2,020 948 526 566 505 901 1,830
12 2,740 2,560 3,120 2,570 3,210 2,010 921 522 547 493 955 1,780
13 3,180 2,690 3,390 2,610 3,190 2,010 890 515 545 491 929 1,740
14 3,500 3,040 3,450 2,530 3,260 2,000 860 522 546 498 986 2,110
15 3,380 3,000 3,340 2,460 3,280 1,980 839 523 534 503 988 2,120
16 4,080 3,040 3,290 2,480 3,290 1,890 816 524 527 513 1,090 1,970
17 4,310 3,310 3,250 2,670 3,220 1,800 796 527 543 479 1,080 1,870
18 3,880 3,470 3,090 2,760 3,180 1,720 789 548 570 451 999 1,600
19 3,620 3,280 3,010 2,720 3,170 1,680 760 536 574 490 982 1,960
20 3,640 3,450 3,000 2,680 3,100 1,610 743 524 556 478 1,040 2,340
21 3,710 3,270 3,010 2,630 2,950 1,560 724 539 541 464 1,020 2,360
22 3,570 3,100 3,090 2,670 2,910 1,520 706 564 534 512 1,100 2,950
23 3,480 3,130 3,260 2,760 2,870 1,500 689 555 514 584 1,140 2,630
24 3,360 2,910 3,100 2,870 2,810 1,450 681 573 493 635 1,230 2,130
25 3,040 2,780 3,040 2,820 2,780 1,410 677 586 492 660 1,190 1,950
26 3,300 2,820 3,100 2,810 2,710 1,400 667 616 487 612 1,080 1,920
27 3,530 3,150 2,910 2,940 2,770 1,390 654 637 488 561 1,060 2,050
28 3,080 3,130 2,940 2,980 2,770 1,370 655 632 493 564 1,080 2,380
29 3,000 3,870 2,900 3,100 2,730 1,340 648 623 490 577 1,110 2,320
30 2,920   3,350 3,190 2,680 1,280 628 630 506 623 1,240 2,640
31 2,850   3,210   2,720   612 609   601   3,110